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Video Information: 14.06.2023, GSE, Greater Noida
आत्मज्ञान के प्रकाश में, अंधे कर्म सब त्याग दो
निराश हो निर्मम बनो, तापरहित बस युद्ध हो
(Poetic meaning of the Gita verse by Acharya Prashant)
Bhagavad Gita - 3.30
नीर पियावत क्या फिरू, सागर घर-भर बारी ।
त्रिशावंत जे होवेंगे, सो पिवेंगे झख मारी।।
~ कबीर साहब
~ What is the main purpose of a relationship?
~ Why do bad relationships happen?
~ How does the right relationship get nourishment?
~ What mistakes do we make in relationships?
~ What is our real purpose?
~ What is our real Love?
Music Credits: Milind Date